Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chuchaqui Falls.

Scotty B, 2nd D.
With a big crew rollin´in to Baños, and a pretty nice low flow, it was time to check out a waterfall on the Rio Verde.  The town of Rio Verde, about 20 mins outside of Baños, sits about 500 feet above the Rio Pastaza.  The river cascades off 3 waterfalls in about a 300 yards, the final waterfall being the Paillon Del Diablo (see last post), into an un-runnable gorge on the Postaza. 

The aforementioned waterfall is approximately 60 feet tall, but only about 6 feet wide.  It falls down through black lava in to a beautiful mini gorge, and is (needless to say) very photogenic.  This waterfall is very clean, but the width makes it fairly intimidating.  The rolling lip and reconnect at the bottom makes this a perfect spot for those less experienced in running big drops.  Out of the 5 guys, only Scotty had run a drop of this size before.

Photo: Craig Parks
Catching a flat-bed to the town of Rio Verde, the boys unloaded and proceeded down to the river.  Craig and I decided it was not a smart idea to bring our gear, in order to avoid the temptation.  We have one final week of trips and cannot risk the possibility of injury.  Not to mention that any injuries incurred would pale in comparison to those caused by Kastorff after he found out.  So we didn´t ever consider running it this time around.

After paying 50 cents to access the river, the boys all decided to run the drop.  This waterfall had only seen 1 descent prior to our mission, by our buddy Dano who came along to help with the ascent out of the mini gorge, and for moral support of course.  (Dano hurt his shoulder earlier in the week and was taking a short break from paddling).  The boys all had to do some rope practice before the huck, so this took a little time.

Photo: Craig Parks

Scotty knocked out the 2nd descent of this drop with a beautiful line, floating through the hole at the top like it wasn´t even there.  ¨First Impression¨ Jake Ament was next, and although his entrance wasn´t ideal, he had a super clean line and a nice hand roll at the bottom after breaking his paddle.  Charlie followed with a stylin´line, as did Bone and Jesse.  Well done boys.
For once, "First Impression" Jake Ament leaves a good one.
Bone gettin' after it.
Broken paddle. (h2o)
Below the drop.
Photo: Craig Parks
The ascent out proved to be quite time and energy consuming.  With some cold beers and truck waiting in Rio Verde, the boys pondered a name for this drop.  Since we were all rather hungover that morning (or afternoon), Chuchaqui Falls seemed quite appropriate and had a rather nice ring to it if I don´t say so myself.  (I will take partial credit for that name, even though I didn´t run the drop)

Next up: a trip to the north of the country for an overnight-er on the Rio Cofanes.


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